peter karlsson wrote:

pk> Hi!


pk> I just want to ask the experts whether or not this license is DFSG free
pk> or not.

I'm not an expert at all, but I can perhaps help you.

pk> To me, it looks that way, but I just want to make sure:

These  licenses  are very simple, and I think it's not hard to find if
they're DFSG-free or not.
Just very the nine points:

Free Redistribution
Source Code
Derived Works
Integrity of The Author's Source Code
No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups
No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor
Distribution of License
License Must Not Be Specific to Debian
License Must Not Contaminate Other Software

That's to learn by heart :-)

pk> ===[ cut ]===
pk>      This is the copyright notice for RA65, LINK65, LIBR65, and other
pk>   Atari 8-bit programs.  Said programs are Copyright 1989, by John R.
pk>   Dunning.  All rights reserved, with the following exceptions:

pk>       Anyone may copy or redistribute these programs, provided that:

pk>   1:  You don't charge anything for the copy.  It is permissable to
pk>       charge a nominal fee for media, etc.

I'm  not  sure, but I think this doesn't respect the Free Distribution
point, the first in DFSG. It's said that [ the license] "may not restrict
any  party  from  selling  or giving away the software". Here, you
can't sell it, so it's not DFSG-compliant. IMHO.

pk> ===[ cut ]===

pk> And also this, that covers another part of the program:


It  seems  to  respect  all  the  points  of  the  DFSG. So, it's free
software. But that's just my opinion.

pk> Please Cc me since I'm not subscribed to the list. Thanks in advance,
pk> --
pk> \\//
pk> peter -

pk>   Statement concerning unsolicited e-mail according to Swedish law:

Correct me if I'm wrong,

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