Scripsit Giacomo Catenazzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> /       installation in the BIOS or Operating System of computer systems
> /       which include an Intel P6 family microprocessor sold or distributed
> /       to or by you.  You are authorized to copy and install this material
> /       on such systems.  You are not authorized to use this material for
> /       any other purpose.  

> The question: I can put the microcode loader (GPL) with the original
> microcode (with above copyright) to the normal (free) debian section?

No; the license you quote does not permit Debian to distribute the
code at all, since the user's computers are neither sold or distributed
to or by Debian.

> The microcode is not software, it is a processor data.

If microcode is not software, the term has changed its meaning
significantly since my undergraduate time. Would you care to
explain what it means today?

Henning Makholm                                  "Panic. Alarm. Incredulity.
                                   *Thing* has not enough legs. Topple walk.
                                  Fall over not. Why why why? What *is* it?"

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