Scripsit Giacomo Catenazzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > / installation in the BIOS or Operating System of computer systems > / which include an Intel P6 family microprocessor sold or distributed > / to or by you. You are authorized to copy and install this material > / on such systems. You are not authorized to use this material for > / any other purpose.
> The question: I can put the microcode loader (GPL) with the original > microcode (with above copyright) to the normal (free) debian section? No; the license you quote does not permit Debian to distribute the code at all, since the user's computers are neither sold or distributed to or by Debian. > The microcode is not software, it is a processor data. If microcode is not software, the term has changed its meaning significantly since my undergraduate time. Would you care to explain what it means today? -- Henning Makholm "Panic. Alarm. Incredulity. *Thing* has not enough legs. Topple walk. Fall over not. Why why why? What *is* it?"