On Feb 17, Andreas Pour wrote:
> > I don't see why, after you've gone to such pains to establish that the
> > on a module license doesn't change when a module is linked with a GPLed
> > program.  Why have you decided that this is a necessary step for this
> > case?
> B/c the LGPL says so.  It says you can change the license to GPL,
> but then it is no longer under the LGPL.  Now you want to have it
> both ways.  However, the LGPL prohibits it.

Apparently you can't read and/or comprehend English.  I mailed this
morning that just because something is put under the GPL once, that
does not necessarily mean that everyone else has to use it under the
GPL too.  Your ignorance of this fact (and your not challenging it)
imply that all you're doing is trolling.

Besides which, this is irrelevant to your example of grep+libc, since
in linking grep with libc you don't modify any of libc's code, nor do
you patch libc with code that would make it come under the GPL.

The LGPL permits you to make derivative works of the library under
either the GPL or the LGPL.  That does not mean that once you do this
(which we haven't anyway), you can never make another derivative work
under the LGPL, or even that you have to treat the original under the
GPL for ever and in eternity (which is what you seem to imply in this

Go away.  Find something else to do.  Build your own damn distribution
if you can't find something more constructive.  We're tired of your
bullshit and your inability to assimilate new ideas (for example, that
you're wrong).

Chris Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Senior Research Assistant, SSRL

Opinions and attitudes expressed herein are rarely shared by my employer.

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