Raul Miller wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 07, 2000 at 07:10:32PM -0500, Andreas Pour wrote:
> > So don't put the binary in "main" :-); it's not so hard to have users
> > compile the 2-3 apps that fall within the "KDE developers borrowed GPL
> > code from another project" category.
> We're not putting it in main.
> > > What does it mean for a program to accompany itself?  Why do you raise
> > > this point?
> >
> > It's not that the program accompanies itself.  The paragraph of Section 3 in
> > question deals in terms of "components" and "modules", not entire 
> > executables.  So
> > in the hypothetical case we discuss, libc is a "component" (although 
> > statically
> > linked, the library is a separate binary inside the "executable", if I 
> > understand
> > the linking process correctly) which accompanies the GPL'd component inside 
> > the
> > executable.
> Component, in the GPL, refers to "major component of the operating
> system".  The word is only used twice, and both occurrences are in the
> same sentence (this sentence is part of the special exception which
> lets GPLed code be used on proprietary operating systems).  And, the
> GPL explicitly gives the kernel and the compiler as explicit examples
> of what it means in that context.

Does non-sequitor mean anything to you?



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