This is something I should have sorted out a long time ago, but I guess I haven't gotten around to it until now.
The x3270 program is currently in non-free. There are two licenses responsible for this, one on some of the fonts, and the other on the code the current version is based on. All other parts of the package have a license very similar to the X11 license. I. The Fonts } Copyright © 1990 by the Georgia Institute of Technology. } All rights reserved except for those rights explicitly mentioned } below. } Permission is granted to distribute freely or to modify and } distribute freely any materials and information contained herein } as long as the above copyright and all terms associated with it } remain intact. This seems pretty much the same as the X11 license, although it doesn't actually mention "use". Does this matter? Are there any other problems with this license? II. The Original Code } Copyright © 1989 by Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta, GA } 30332. } All Rights Reserved. GTRC hereby grants public use of this } software. Derivative works based on this software must incorporate } this copyright notice. What does "public use" mean? Should I try emailing or writing to GTRC or the Georgia Institute of Technology to find out? Any help would be appreciated. -- Carey Evans This message was composed from the finest electrons used by many of the world's greatest writers.