On Wed, 22 Dec 1999, Richard Stallman wrote:

>     Why not just hack a pine-style main menu, configuration screen, imap, and
>     keyboard cheat-sheet onto mutt. They've already got a config file floating
>     around that makes it emulate all the PINE keystrokes, and it's already a
>     fully functional mailer.
> If PINE users are happy to switch to this, this is a fine approach.
> Someone else argued that this would not be enough to make PINE users
> happy.  I don't directly know what would or wouldn't satisfy them, but
> he seemed to have some familiarity with them.

I'm a longtime PINE user (yes, I know.. shame, shame) and I'd love to
volunteer to test any PINE clones put forth...

 = Jon "Caspian" Blank,  right-brained computer programmer at large =
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