David Starner wrote: > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------8<------------ > > LPRng is distributed under the GNU software license for > > non-commercial use, the Artistic License for limited comĀ > > mercial use. Commerical support and licensing is availĀ > > able through Patrick Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------8<------------ > What's so strange? How I understand it is that you can use it under the > GPL or Artistic License. If you need support or want to include it in a > program without following the Artistic or GPL, then email him and he'll > hook you up - probably for a hefty fee. Still, completely DFSG-free.
No, it's strange. "under the GNU software license for non-commercial use". No such license exists. In any case, the text makes clear that commercial use is limited. This is not free. Richard Braakman