On 5/29/05, Anonymous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Francesco Poli wrote:
> >http://freedoom.sourceforge.net/), but (maybe) they are infringing on
> >the original Doom game data copyright...   :-/
> If they are striving for near exact (or even very, very similar) re-creation
> then I'm nearly certain they are infringing the copyright via
> "mise-en-scene". 

If you're talking about cloning the game data, then this would be a
more direct infringement than mise-en-scene.

The one case to make a significant point involving mise-en-scene
had a massive amount of new game data which was meant to
be integrated with the existing game data, thus creating a "sequel".

There was more going on than that, of course, but it was literally
a new game put together using art and resources provided by 
Formgen, but being marketed and sold by Microstar.  (Without
a license from Formgen.)  Mise-en-scene was used to explain
why the work was a protected work even though all Microstar
was selling was the changes.


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