On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 00:38:21 +1100 Matthew Palmer wrote:

> I'm too tired to dig up the exact reference, but in a large heated
> discussion between Hans Reiser and many other people on d-devel last
> year(or maybe the year before) about removing or obscuring credits in
> mkreiserfs, Hans Reiser stated that he had information from RMS that
> there would be some sort of "invariant section"-like clause in GPLv3.

IIUC which discussion you are referring to, it was in April-May 2004.
I tried to find the exact message in which Hans told us those "rumors",
but I miserably failed... :-(
Anyway I recall something similar.

> Earlier than that, in a thread here on d-legal regarding the GFDL, RMS
> himself made a few sideways comments regarding the content of the
> GPLv3.
> More generally, the direction that the FSF appears to have been moving
> in the last few years has, in some peoples' eyes, been diverging
> somewhat from the "Debianistic" view of freedom.

And that is really a pain, considering the influence that the FSF
has (and deserves) among the free software community.

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