Joel Aelwyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: [...]
> "You may not have any cookies right now".
> It's a reflexive negation rewording of "May I <x>" -> "You may not <x>".

Well, that's fine, but if I don't need your permission in order
to have cookies, it's sort of irrelevant. Also, it doesn't
actually require any action from me to achieve that state
of not having your permission to have cookies and make your
statement true.

This is a head-strainer and I'm not surprised that anyone is
unfamiliar with it. It's related to old jokes that my school
teachers used to use: "Can I leave the room?" "Not without my
permission." A bit twisted, maybe, but it teaches.

As I wrote earlier, legal interpretation of this sort of
phrase needs someone other than me and if anyone is worried,
please go ask PHP Group about it (if PHP Group is bothering
to accept email yet) and maybe get blanket "PHP for ..."


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