
Here is the list of mailinglists for DebianEdu/Skolelinux:

On 3/1/23, Loyal Sr. Osterhoudt <losterho...@crics.asia> wrote:
> Ive got it to install but we only have 1gb unused left.
> i
> Is there a script to remove like all the primary kids software as these
> chrome to be linux books are for middle school and high school.
> Or any ideas so I am not doing one by one on 80+ machines.
> My level of linux is user. I am a teacher but not afraid to learn but know
> I have much to learn.  Im setting up a server for the first time!
> (should a teacher ever be afraid to learn???)
> Is there a mail list of forum just for debianedu/skole linux?  No search
> words have worked so far.
> Loyal2linux
> (my name really is Loyal)

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