On Monday,  8 Feb 2016 at 12:27, Michael wrote:


>> If your SSD is too small for your music collection, put the collection 
>> elsewhere.
> Basically, i agree. However that's not the way some (younger) folks
> want to live. They want one device, doing anything, and no cables and
> no external devices laying around and getting lost (or
> accessed/misused by others). Exactly 'nothing' to bother with at all.
> Don't underestimate human nature :D

Even some oldtimers (me) want it this way.  I want my laptop to be
self-contained.  Ideally, I would love to be able to plug in using USB
to the wall as well...

>> You will most likely replace your computer system with a new one before the 
>> SSD dies.
> It's even quie possible that you will re-use your SSD with the next
> machine, if it gots second disk slot. Thinkpads, that is.

In 30+ years of using laptops. I have never taken any hardware from one
to the next.  Usually, standards have changed (don't ya just love them
;-) and bits cannot be transferred but, in any case, there is often no
need as the new hardware completely supersedes the old (e.g. order of
magnitude increase in space/speed/efficiency).

> Still, nobody replied to my question about swap file on SSD: Does it
> work, or might there possibly a problem because you have to pass the
> exact starting block numner to the kernel (as boot parameter). Can

All I can say is that my current laptop has only an SSD for storage (256
GB, I believe, half for Linux and half for Windows).  I use Linux on it
98% of the time.  Swap space allocated on the SSD.  No problem at all so
far in 1 year of operation.

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