On 07.02.16 18:45, Michael wrote:
Why dn't we just assume that Leslie knwos what he's doing ?? I mean, come
on, there are lots of possibilities, like Matus' pointed out or like he
wanted to test different desktops coming with different distros, and maybe
even how distros do their installation.

Why is it that so often someone asks with a problem she got ciriticised
about what she is trying to do in the first place, instead of just
answering the question.

I don't think that was criticising, we both wanted to advise different
approach. One thing is, if Leslie knows what's he doing, other thing is that
there may be other ways to do it. Nobody's able to remember all 20000 source
packages' features and possibilities.

While I use debian for some 20 years, I often find something that was
available for long and I didn't know about ...

[moved out]
Going through package managers can be painfully slow.

apt-get autoremove should do that automatically. But only for .deb packages
and dependencies...

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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2B|!2B, that's a question!

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