> I have been using Debian in my Lenovo Thinkpad T61 from 2007 onwards.
> I have the latest upgrade Stretch/sid on it.
> This laptop has Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T7700 @ 2.40 GHz and was having
> 2GB RAM. But this week I have upgraded the RAM to 4GB and replaced the HDD
> with a new Intel SSD 120GB. So which version 32-bit or 64-bit do you suggest
> to install in this system ?

FWIW, on my own T61-with-SSD (tho with 8GB of RAM), I use the 32bit
version of Debian, tho with a 64bit kernel (i.e. aptitude install

But to a large extent, whether you use the 64bit or the 32bit version
doesn't make any difference whatsoever.  E.g. I don't think it's worth
going through a re-install just to go from one to the other.


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