On 04.02.16 18:04, Jos Collin wrote:
Yes, I'm using PAE enabled kernel at the moment. So from your replies and
from the stackexchange url, I understand that using 64 bit Debian is better
and having better performance than 32-bit. Unless there is a good reason to
use 32-bit OS. So I would like to go for a 64-bit Debian installation. What
is the minimum required RAM for a 64-bit Debian ?
in fact, you can run mixed system, or 64-bit kernel on 32-bit userspace.
(32bit debian contains 64bit kernel)
Unless you have real need to run 64-bit userspace, you can stay with 32bit.
64bit userspace is required e.g. by vmware workstastion, however it probably
could run on mostly 32-bit userspace.
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