On Thu, 24 Jul 2008 13:23:49 +0100
Mikhail Ramendik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thursday 24 July 2008 12:49, Anatoly A. Kazantsev wrote:
> > Hm, do you think that "CPU frequency, policies, suspend, hibernate" and
> > other things needs yet another gui tool to configure. You are mistaken ;-)
> Then I'd like documentataion on how to do all of these from the command line. 

Search for laptop-mode, cpufreqd and similar packages

> > Battery status has gone than 2.6.25 linux kernel came to lenny.
> > I think because of some old deprecated interface for acpi which exports
> > info throw /proc or /sys (I forget which one). Maybe that's not true :-)
> Probably so. The new one is HAL.

I'm talking about kernel interface, not about _yet_another_ abstraction layer.

> Is there a fd.org compliant icon for HAL battery that would not be a part of 
> some KDE or Gnome monster? If not, I'd like to have the docs for this HAL 
> interface and a Python example of a fd.org compliant notification icon (I 
> don't care which toolkit it uses, pyqt or pygtk or whatever as long as it's 
> in lenny). I would then write the thing.

It's better (in view of icewm) just find right place to read info about battery
status (from /proc or /sys dirs) and fix icewm sources.
And please don't invent wheels and bicycles ;-)

Anatoly A. Kazantsev

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