Hi Dallas,

> I added the "options" line to /etc/modprobe.conf but was getting
> error messages at boot (thinkpad-acpi module doesn't exist) and found
> that, after booting, networking (both wired and wireless) was broken
> and I could no longer mount my fat32 external HD.

Ack! If the module doesn't exist, then you might need to try apt-get
install ibm-acpi, and then use module-assistant.

At this stage I'd suggest you subscribe to the Debian-user list, to get
some more help just with configuring Debian, if you haven't done so
already - and ask some of your questions there too. There would seem to
be a bigger pool of experienced people there.

Also, the thinkwiki site I've mentioned before is very useful!
> I've been forced to reinstall Etch. Unless I can come across very
> clear & precise step-by-step instructions for running & configuring
> the thinkpad-acpi module and installing & configuring the
> tp-fancontrol script I will have to forgo any further tinkering so as
> to avoid breaking my system again.

You're probably wise... 8-) The tp-fancontrol script works fine, so
long as: 

* the ibm-acpi module is loaded, with the experimental option set
* it is run as/setuid root (because it needs this to get access to the
fan control) - so loaded as an init script. 

You might need to get a bit more reading done on the way the init
scripts work in Debian, before you try again.

All the best, and sorry I couldn't be of more help.

Trish Fraser, GWQTF RP4GD
Sun Feb  3 22:51:29 GMT 2008
GNU/Linux 1997-2007 #283226 counter.li.org
perseus up 14 hour(s), 39 min, 15 sec

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