Hi, > I'm running Debian Etch 4.0r2 on my ThinkPad T30, 512mb ram. Noticing > it felt hot under light-to-moderate CPU loads, I installed the Gnome > Hardware Sensors Monitor applet which indicates average CPU > temperatures between 53-60°C, putting it within the applet's red > zone. Is this a healthy or acceptable temerature range or should I > take action? I have heard it suggested that I open the box and blast > the CPU fan with compressed air, which I will do, but is there any > software-related solution that will increase the fan's speed under > higher temperatures? Under previous Linux installations (Ubuntu, > Suse, Mepis) and Windows the fan's speed would vary but under Debian > Etch it remains constant.
I've been using a script called tp-fancontrol on my T30 for ages with great success: you'll find it here: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/ACPI_fan_control_script I generally boost the fan at any temp from 45 on - you can change the temp thresholds and the fan speeds in the script to suit. I've used it under Debian, Mandriva and PCLinuxOS with no problems. On the T30 which runs Debian I've got a script in /etc/init.d which is called in most runlevels. You'll need to do something similar - run it as root - to get access to the fan. You need to set ibm-acpi experimental=1 to have access to the fan; see here: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Ibm-acpi Hope this helps! -- Trish Fraser, GWQTF RP4GD Sun Feb 3 10:45:11 GMT 2008 GNU/Linux 1997-2007 #283226 counter.li.org perseus up 2 hour(s), 32 min, 57 sec kernel --
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