Le 13551ième jour après Epoch, Florian Reitmeir écrivait: > On Mit, 07 Feb 2007, François TOURDE wrote: > >> I'm trying to run Compiz/Beryl on my T42p, but nothing works. > As always, nothing is a nice word but _not_ very useful in an error >description.
Yes, you're right :) ... I'll try to be more descriptive: >From a gnome session terminal, I launch "compiz --replace" or "beryl-manager". Then alldecorations disapears (title, scrollers, etc...), the mouse is alive, but no actions. Mouse pointer disapears within the terminal window, but is present elsewhere. > What did you expect? hum... A 3D workspace ? Using other builds of Beryl, I can obtain the following message: --8<-------8<-------8<-------8<-------8<-------8<-------8<----- Checking for non power of two texture support : failed Support for non power of two textures missing --8<-------8<-------8<-------8<-------8<-------8<-------8<----- all previous checks were correct (XComposite, RandR, etc...). using glxinfo, I can have direct rendering on or off, depending of the following section in xorg.conf: --8<-------8<-------8<-------8<-------8<-------8<-------8<----- Section "Extensions" Option "Composite" "Enable" EndSection --8<-------8<-------8<-------8<-------8<-------8<-------8<----- with it: rendering off without: rendering on