> I am not sure what your problem is, but cardmgr is not on my system. I 
> believe it was a part of pcmcia-cs, which is deprecated in favor of 
> pcmciautils. Also, hotplug has been replaced with udev.
> You might want to give pcmciautils and udev a try, as they are the "latest 
> and greatest". If you do, be sure to purge hotplug and pcmcia-cs. And keep a 
> copy of your pcmcia-cs and hotplug debs around in case something goes wrong 
> and you can't get a network going under pcmciautils/udev.

Thank you. I've tried to use pcmciautils and udev previously but it
didn't work. I'm afraid I'm going to go back to Suse Linux because
hostap is loaded by default. I have read a lot of web pages with people
with the same problem in Debian and Ubuntu.

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