Hello David,

On Wed, 16 Aug 2006 04:27:23 -0500 "David Johnson"

> In regards to Central Europe at least (Germany, Switzerland, Austria,
> and Italy), we have arrived and I can safely say after a few months
> in a few different countries that finding the Internet is a difficult
> task.  Laptop use is relatively infrequent in general; so far I've
> only seen 3 people with their laptop in public.  There are few
> Internet Cafes, and they are more like low grade computer labs than
> cafes - most were a bit frightening to us. In addition these cafes
> may have just a pay for use computer as opposed to a WLAN or Ethernet
> connection.  In any case the Internet will be expensive - typically
> around $5-15/hour or $25-30/day.  

I am from Germany and cannot confirm your information.
In bigger towns you can find an internet cafe every 100m (maybe not
100m, but very often) - for about 1EURO per hour. But yes, you have to
use the PCs offered there. If they would give you just an ethernet
cable - how would they track your online time? They usually have some
software installed, to activate the workstation only, if you have paid.

For your other points: 
Don't know how it is in hotels, but you get WLAN in some ICE trains
and in many main-stations. Powered by Deutsche Bahn and Deutsche
Telekom - you only have to buy a pre-paid card. There (and also in the
internet cafes) you should be able to use VOIP (at least skype).

So I just think, you were to the wrong places here :-)

Greetings from Düsseldorf, Germany

   ^^^    | Evgeni -SargentD- Golov ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 d(O_o)b  | PGP-Key-ID: 0xAC15B50C
  >-|-<   | WWW: http://www.die-welt.net   ICQ: 54116744
   / \    | IRC: #sod @ irc.german-freakz.net

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