On 11/30/05, Ognjen Bezanov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Heh, I'm in the process of a OSS project to build a standalone
> mp3/AAC/mp4/ogg/CD-Audio player, and its coming along nicely (well, it
> plays music - just need to sort out the LCD display + keypad, and I have
> not had much time to work on it lately).
> But that isn't done yet, so I can't recommend you use it just yet ;-)
> Currently (until the project is finished) what I did was to build an
> embedded system using the ESounD Daemon.
> Basically its an old 75Mhz laptop, with 8 mb ram, a pcmcia wifi card
> (atheros chipset) and a 16 bit soundcard. The custom distro initialises
> the sound and wifi card, connects to my wireless network
> and sets up a sound server. I can connect to it from any PC on the
> network and stream it music. This way me (and the rest of my family) can
> use their own computers (and the players they know) and stream music to
> the server, which is permanently connected to the HI-FI.

huh, this is very interesting.  I would love to get the .img file --
not exactly sure what a .img file is, but I have used files with this
extension to start up qemu so I assumethis is some kind of disk
image...  At the least itwould be something to referto as Im building
this up.

The laptop I m looking at is considerably more powerful & the system I
was thinking of is somewhat less ambitious -- the streaming probably
isnt so important, though it would be lots of fun to implement.  But
Id like very much to seewhat youve done!

> Oh, and the distro fits on a 16mb CF card (it can fit in less, i'm
> saying about 4 meg, but I dont have a smaller CF card).
> If you want I can send you the .img file for my sound server (but just
> to tell you, some work will be required for configuration, probably
> changing the ESSID/IP Addr of the network, and possibly a kernel
> recompile for your wifi-card).

shouldnt be so hard, from the sound of it.

> If on the other hand, you want to use a standard distro, have a look at
> the ESD webpage
> (http://www.tux.org/~ricdude/EsounD.html). It hasn't been updated in a
> while, but the program has so far worked flawlessly.  Just install that
> on your base distro and configure it - you will need a client-side
> plugin for it though, Most linux audio software supports it (i know
> there is a plugin for xmms) and i believe (but cannot confirm) that
> there exists a winamp plugin for it as well.
I think I wiill veyr likely use esd, thanks!

> Hope this reply was of any use :-)

very interesting in any case!


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