Hopefully this is still of interest to the list, if not I'll move off
line next time...

On 12/1/05, Ognjen Bezanov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Matt Price wrote:
> >huh, this is very interesting.  I would love to get the .img file --
> >not exactly sure what a .img file is, but I have used files with this
> >extension to start up qemu so I assumethis is some kind of disk
> >image...  At the least itwould be something to referto as Im building
> >this up.
> >
> >
> >
> the .img is essentially a disk image, you can read from a disk to a .img
> file:
> dd if=/dev/hdx of=/path/to/file.img
> or vice-versa:
> dd if=/path/to/file.img
> Also in linux you can mount the file and use it as you would a normal disk:
> mount -t [filesystem] /path/to/file.img /mount/point -o loop

I'm trying to test this out before installing it.  I can get the image
to boot in qemu thus:

qemu -boot c -hda sounderver.img -hdb qemu.img

where qemu.img is a bank image produced as per qemu's instructions.

however, it doesn't seem to do much and in particular I can't seem to open a vt
to check out what's going on...   Instead I am stuck at an interesting
command prompt with a few lines of text (Welcometothe ESD server...

This may be intentional?  for the stripped-down serverness of it. 
Then tried investigating thusly:

sudo mount -t ext2 -o loop soundserver.img /mnt/soundserver/

but it won't mount, giving a "wrong fs" error of the kind I've
sometimes seen when forgetting to add "-t iso9660" while attempting to
mount a cd.  so not sure whether I'm doing something wrong, or whether
perhaps you use a special fs (reiser?)

so anyway, if you get this, let me know if you have any suggestions!



> >
> Oh, and feel free to contact me if you need help! :)

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