Willie McKemie wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 17, 2005 at 01:10:01PM -0400, Eric Cooper wrote:
>> On Sun, Jul 17, 2005 at 10:03:46AM -0500, Willie McKemie wrote:
>> > A while back, I stumbled on the gnome-terminal feature that allow one
>> > to pass a URL to a browser very easily; I've become quite a fan of that
>> > feature.  However, I have found it nowhere documented.  And, I have a
>> > new install that calls up Konqueror rather than Firefox.  I've checked
>> > gnome-terminal help, man gnome-terminal, and searched rc files.  No
>> > luck.  Where is it?
>> On my system, using Gnome, I use the
>>   Applications > Desktop Preferences > Advanced > Preferred Applications
>> menu and choose Web Browser.

> Anyway, my remotely running mutt now can supply URLs to my local
> Firefox.  For someone used to highlighting and pasting, it is a real
> thrill.
> No answer on the KDE/Konqueror question.  Maybe Gnome is ahead of KDE
> in this area?
Not at all.  I just don't know the actual mechanism KDE uses.  In KDE, if I
select a URL almost anywhere, I'll get a pop-up asking whether to open it
in Konqueror or Mozilla (and presumably other browsers - those are the ones
I have installed) or to email the URL or the actual page to someone.

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