Willie McKemie:
> On Sun, Jul 17, 2005 at 09:08:14PM +0200, Jochen Schulz wrote:
> > 
> > Don't ask me where this stuff is saved in the file system but Gnome uses
> > the "gconf" system. Run gconf-editor to get an idea. It looks a bit like
> > the Windows registry but Gnome people don't like to hear that. ;-) The
> > only cool thing I know about it is that a running gnome-settings-daemon
> > informs running Gnome applications of changes. The downside is
> > gnome-seetings-daemon.
> As I mentioned, the script/program that changes the default browser is 
> pretty obscurely located in the window manager menu system and I failed 
> to find it on the last try.  But I found the script/program name!
> gnome-default-applications-properties

And in case you want to change a value via script, you can use

I am no longer prepared to give you the benefit of the doubt.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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