On Sat, 2004-02-14 at 04:03, Martin Röhricht wrote:
> I'm now just wondering why those moduls were not loaded at boottime as 
> it was the case before I did the upgrade. Or with other words: How can I 
> make it happen, that those moduls will be loaded at boottime? Do I have 
> to edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/acpid.config? Is it a better idea to compile 
> those moduls fixed into the kernel?

The "Debian way" of doing this is to edit /etc/default/acpid,
specifically the MODULES line.  "all" will load all modules, or list the
modules you would like loaded.

The truly Debian way is "dpkg-reconfigure acpid".

Ross Burton                                 mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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