On 13.02.2004 22:35 Martin Röhricht wrote:
I got some problems on my Notebook since I did an "apt-get upgrade" on
my Debian sid. Either acpi or acpid was involved in my last upgrade and
when I was asked which configuration I would like to use, I chose the
manufacture's one (maybe that was the mistake).
Anyway, after this upgrade I cannot use most of the useful acpi
functions anymore, even if this was possible before I upgraded. I run
here a Kernel 2.6.2 and 2.4.24, both with the full ACPI support.
Okay, I figured currently out, that I didn't have the modules loaded. I
get the functions by executing:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# modprobe battery; modprobe thermal
I'm now just wondering why those moduls were not loaded at boottime as
it was the case before I did the upgrade. Or with other words: How can I
make it happen, that those moduls will be loaded at boottime? Do I have
to edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/acpid.config? Is it a better idea to compile
those moduls fixed into the kernel?