Alessandro Speranza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I've been googling in search of acroread 5 for debian testing.

xpdf is an excellent DFSG-free PDF reader.  The version in unstable
(it'll probably trickle to testing soon enough) has support for PDF
bookmarks, which is the major thing earlier versions seemed to be
missing.  gv can also display many PDF files, though I haven't had
quite as good luck with it.

> This morning I went battery shopping for my laptop (compaq presario
> 700). It cost me 145 euro+vat, and I had to buy, because the other
> one was completely done. Now then, the guy in the shop told me to
> extract it every time I'm using my laptop on AC.

One of the things you want to be careful of is to not overcharge the
battery.  I thought there was fairly standard circuitry in most modern
batteries to prevent that sort of thing.  Also, if it's an older
battery (NiCd has this problem, don't remember if NiMH does as well)
it might gain a "memory", and if you never run the battery below 40%
but recharge it then it will eventually become unable to run below 40%
at all.  On the flip side, I've also heard rumors that having the
battery in is good for the laptop, in that it provides a bit of
cushioning against noisy AC power.

David Maze         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
        -- Abra Mitchell

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