Alessandro Speranza wrote:
Hi guys.
Not laptop specific question to start with:
I've been googling in search of acroread 5 for debian testing. I've come
across a debian package for woody, but wouldn't install, asking for some
acroread-debian-files, which I haven't managed to find. Is there anybody
who was able to install it at all?
you may find what you desire here:
Second question, laptop specific.
This morning I went battery shopping for my laptop (compaq presario 700).
It cost me 145 euro+vat, and I had to buy, because the other one was
completely done. Now then, the guy in the shop told me to extract it every
time I'm using my laptop on AC.
This sounds very weird:
However, that seems a bit annoying and
dangerous: I wouldn't want to break the slot or anything.
Sure !
So the question
is: in your experience, how do you actually keep your battery in good
health? Charging and discharging it completely all the time, extracting
it, or whatever? You know, a laptop may last not long, but change battery
every less than two years, is quite expensive in the end.
Have you Google for Howt-To on the subject ?
So far I remember,
the issue involve some chemistry.
All right then, thanks a lot for your help.