le Fri, 09 Jan 2004 05:59:42 +0100 Alain D'EURVEILHER
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> écrivait : 

> Hi,
> I don't know if this is specific to the Satellite Pro 4300
> series, and if it can be solved :
> When I lock the Caps on my laptop, pressing a key representing a
> number doesn't return the number in question. But other
> character.. I have an 'azerty' keyboard on it. And also, I
> configured the keyboard by "pc105" (even with pc102, it doesn't
> work).
> If you need to know more, please ask..
> thx.

It is the normal behaviour of CapsLock key under GNU/Linux, no ? 

This way you can get É, È,À and Ç without juggling with 18 keys...


Nicolas ROMAN          Ingénieur Intégration/Développement Aliacom
http://www.aliacom.fr                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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