Thanks , I fixed it. Found aptitude going on, that I had forgot about ,aptitude must have been started pre-disaster, from a root shell , so... . Thanks to everyody who took the time to read it.
On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 18:53:35 +0100, François TOURDE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Le 12353ième jour après Epoch,
Anish Muttreja écrivait:

Hi everybody
I did something very silly on mu laptop. I manged to set the root
shell to an incorrect value.
Now I can't login as root. I know idiots like me should never be root
and the world is probably  a better place this way , but then neither
can  anybody else :-D.
Short of booting the laptop with a knoppix cd and correcting /etc/passwd,
Is there any other hope ? Basically is there a way to overwrite
I tried su --shell=/bin/bash .That says No shell and exits.
I will really appreciate all suggestions.

Try to boot in single user mode, then edit /etc/passwd or /etc/shells ...

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