> ThanhVu Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-10-22 09:51]:
> Hi, Normally before I just use the dd if=kernel of=/floppy bs=1k to
> create a boot floppy. now I have a laptop which has no floppy or
> cdrw, it does have a cdrom and can boot from cdrom however.  So is
> there a way I can copy the kernel image to another computer with
> cdrw and create a cd bootdisk for the laptop from the other computer
> ? If so, how ?

scp kernel otherbox:remote_kernel
ssh otherbox
dd if=remote_kernel of=/floppy bs=1k 

/* untested */

> I use Debian, can I just use the Debian default's CD's to boot ? I
> never tried to boot using that way.

yes, sure

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