On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Richard Ibbotson wrote:

> Other one is DHCP.  I use static IP most times.  Will have to use DHCP
> shortly even though I don't want to.
> Which packages do I download to use DHCP on my laptop ? Done
> 'apt-cache search dhcp' and a large pile of packages fell across the
> screen.  Last time I did this the DHCP daemon started on boot up and
> locked up the whole system.  End result, re-install from scratch.  I'd
> like to make sure that DHCP is controlled by setenv when the machine
> boots.

Why reinstall? If you dont have a dhcp server that gives your client an ip 
address, your client will wait for a couple of minutes before continuing. 
Or it will wait forever. I don't remember which :). But every time I for 
some reason aren't physically connected to a network and wish to reboot, I 
simply press ctrl-c when my laptop waits to get an ip.

And then if I get connected again, and don't wish to restart my laptop, I 
run "ifup eth0", or if it wont work: "ifdown eth0; ifup eth0".

I did a "ps aux" to find any process that could be my dhcp client and 
found this one:

root      3218  0.0  0.0  2168  204 ?        S    Jun29   0:00 
/sbin/dhclient-2.2.x -q eth0

Mine seems to be named "dhclient". That's the one that installed itself 
when I installed GNU/Debian. Hmm..

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg -l|grep dhcp
ii  dhcp-client    2.0pl5-11      DHCP Client

I suppose you could get the same dhcp-client as the one that gets selected 
by default during a Woody installation if you type this command:

apt-get install dhcp-client

Then your computer should start asking you a few relevant questions. And 
then you have to add this to your /etc/network/interfaces file if apt-get 
doesn't do that automatically for you:

# The first network card - this entry was created during the Debian 
# installation
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

However I've never tried to use setenv. It works good enough doing stuff 
manually. But I know - in the long run it will be easier if I do stuff the 
"setenv-way" :).

Tommy - http://www.geocities.com/todu5811/autosignature?1123
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