Hi, can anyone help?

I've been going along OK with an old ThinkPad 380ED using a Woody install 
upgraded to testing (sarge). I'm running with the Woody default kernel 
2.2.20-idepci. It works fine with my PCMCIA NIC and all was well except the 

Reading around it seems the default kernel has no sound modules so I thought 
I'd upgrade to a new kernel. I tried 2.2.20 and 2.4.18 but had the following 
problem with both:

At boot and when I do a "/etc/init.d/pcmcia start" I get the error:

i82365.o: unresolved symbol: isapnp_find_dev_R999...

One place I found suggested changing the PCIC entry in /etc/defaults/pcmcia 
from i82365 to yenta_socket but this just made things worse!

Any ideas anyone?

TIA, Peter

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