On Sat, 2003-06-28 at 08:21, Dan Rasmussen wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 28, 2003 at 12:14:38PM +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > An E-mail from <debian-laptop@lists.debian.org> to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
> > with subject
> > Re: Application has been intercepted. The virus W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] in 
> > attachment
> > your_details.zip has been detected.
> Quick question, why do I always receive emails like this?  It seems that
> if the virus has been intercepted, there is no need for me to know about
> it... is this advertising for their antivirus scanner, or something
> designed to make virus authors all proud when they do a search and their
> virus comes up in mailing list archives and they can see how far their
> work spread?

it's not designed for mailing lists, but rather for an individual user,
who has gotten a virus.  That being said, it also means that [EMAIL PROTECTED]
really needs to crack down on what can be sent to the list.  If that
means that we need to make it subscriber only, I don't see what's so bad
about that :)


> Dan
> -- 
> Dan Rasmussen
> Don't forget to submit to your corporate masters, and believe unquestioningly 
> everything the media tells you.
# Jason Straw - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Freenode and GOVIA, Media for the Future #
#   Freenode Radio       -- Webmaster, Head Engineer                        #
#   Freenode IRC         -- staff member (nick misato)                      #
#   OSEF                 -- Project Impresario of GOVIA                     #
#  GPG Key ID            -- pgp.mit.edu -- D662C649                         #
#  [EMAIL PROTECTED] is being deprecated please begin using [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #

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