You could try one of the unofficial apt-sources from
Currently I am using:
deb$(ARCH) ./
deb-src ./

But they haven't responded lately.

On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 12:03, Lloyd Dizon wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a specific way of upgrading XFree 4.2 to 4.3
> with Debian testing branch? Or can I just install the
> 4.3 binaries over the existing installation and
> configure everything as written in the manual?
> Another question, has anybody successfully run X in
> 1400x1050 resolution on a Intel 855GM/GME graphics
> controller?
> best,
> Lloyd
> Machine:
> Dell Inspiron 500m
> Intel 82855 GM/GME graphics controller
> Dell Truemobile 1300 
> Intel PRO/100 NIC
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Magnus Månsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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