On Thursday 29 May 2003 21:06, Calum Mackay wrote:
> Jesse D. Guardiani wrote:
> > I installed all of the necessary DRI and DRM stuff,
> > and it's enabled in my XF86Config-4, but I'm still
> > having mucho troublo getting Direct Rendering to
> > work.
> Do you have agpgart and radeon.so kernel modules loaded? Is the latter
> under /lib/modules? If not, you'll need to load it manually.

I replied to this earlier this morning, but the reply never went through.
Perhaps the inline Xfree log file tipped an email size limit imposed
by this list's software. I'm attaching a gzipped log file instead this time.

In response to your question: I compiled the agpgart and radeon module
directly into the kernel. Is that a problem?

I can provide the list with dmesg output too if needed.

> Let's have a look at your full X log...

See attached.

> cheers,
> Calum.

Jesse Guardiani, Systems Administrator
WingNET Internet Services,
P.O. Box 2605 // Cleveland, TN 37320-2605
423-559-LINK (v)  423-559-5145 (f)

Attachment: XFree86.0.log.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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