On Thu, Feb 20, 2003 at 10:09:13PM +0000, Joao Pedro Clemente wrote:
> > > Can we get i810 audio hardware to work with the standart 2.4.18-bf24
> > > kernel?
> >
> > # modprobe i810_audio
> >
> > Should do. It's included in 2.4.18-bf24, and I've been using the sound
> > card without problems for some time now.
> Wel, the funny thing is... I got that module inserted.
> The problem I'm facing is that KDE does not see any soundcard. xmms (over
> kde) fails reporting that there is no soundcar or soundcard is locked.
> Maybe this is one of those issues with arts (The kde sound daemon)?
> So, if the module is inserted, the audio should be fine? Any ideia on how
> to test it, besides using xmms?

Yep, it seems to be a problem with Arts. 
Go: Control Center -> Sound & Multimedia -> Sound System -> Uncheck the
'Start aRts soundserver...' option (That's my choice)

To test sound in console, you can try mpg321, or just 
cat /vmlinuz > /dev/dsp 


Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta       | They that give up essential liberty
agi@(agi.as|debian.org)        | to obtain a little temporary safety
Encrypted mail preferred       | deserve neither liberty nor safety.

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