From: "dominik woelfl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> does someone know how to slow down or turn off my laptop's fan while
> decreasing processor speed to prevent overheating. i am running an acer
> travelmate 610txv with woody and kernel 2.4.19.
Get 2.4.20 kernel source.
Apply ACPI patches.

Then _iff_ you get a /proc/acpi/fan and /proc/acpi/processor structure you can
echo values to the particular files to both turn on/off fans and modify
processor states (don't know them offhand - rules for processor control are
given in the ACPI documentation, but for fan control check the acpi-devel list
archives).  Patches, some documentation and mailing lists are available from

Strictly, with working ACPI you shouldn't have to do anything - trip points are
defined which will both modify processor states and the fan - but there are an
awful lot of broken ACPI BIOSes out there that will work with Windows but don't
conform to the ACPI spec.

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