On Fri, Feb 14, 2003 at 02:23:51PM +0100, Thomas Hood wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-02-14 at 12:36, Mark Janssen wrote:
> > Try Wellenreiter... it scans all channels for accesspoints and wireless
> > traffic telling you what AP's are available... It's mostly useful for
> > wardriving.
> I would rather avoid putting the card in rfmon mode when doing
> location detection because some cards (e.g., the Cisco Aironet)
> have to be cold reset to get them out of that mode.

Wow... you're extremely wrong about the aironet card (at least wrt to
the lm350 cards). But as far as "wardriving" goes... get yourself kismet
and a prims2. The single most difficult part about wardriving is getting
the license to drive.


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