On Fri, Feb 14, 2003 at 02:23:51PM +0100, Thomas Hood wrote: > On Fri, 2003-02-14 at 12:36, Mark Janssen wrote: > > Try Wellenreiter... it scans all channels for accesspoints and wireless > > traffic telling you what AP's are available... It's mostly useful for > > wardriving. > > I would rather avoid putting the card in rfmon mode when doing > location detection because some cards (e.g., the Cisco Aironet) > have to be cold reset to get them out of that mode. >
Wow... you're extremely wrong about the aironet card (at least wrt to the lm350 cards). But as far as "wardriving" goes... get yourself kismet and a prims2. The single most difficult part about wardriving is getting the license to drive. --timball -- GPG key available on pgpkeys.mit.edu pub 1024D/511FBD54 2001-07-23 Timothy Lu Hu Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Key fingerprint = B579 29B0 F6C8 C7AA 3840 E053 FE02 BB97 511F BD54