I have partially solved my problem:
I was surprised that the "wireless card" was not detected.
`lspci' gave me the answer.
In fact I have a very very new card which is apparently not yet
supported: BROADCOM4301
does anyone have more information about the BROADCOM4301 ?
Thomas Hood wrote:
On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 15:49, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
is there a tool to detect wireless hardware ?
If your question is "How do I detect the presence of
wireless access points?" then you can try iwlist in
the wireless-tools package.
I would also like to know whether there is a better
tool out there because I would like to integrate it into
ifupdown-roaming. (Note: ifupdown-roaming version 0.26
is available at
http://panopticon.csustan.edu/thood/ifupdown-roaming.html .)