On Tue, 11 Feb 2003 07:15, Joris wrote:
> I know it has little to do with debian on laptops (altough a non-windows
> OS booting meight look suspecious to customs), but:

You must have some charge in your battery when going through the security 
checks as they will want to see the machine running.

Often they will wait for it to "boot Windows" and you have to explain to them 
that is never going to happen and that it runs Linux.

> I don't want to take any chances with the baggage (especially since I
> won't have a direct flight), so I'll have to keep it in the
> hand-luggage.

That's mandatory.  Anything breakable in checked luggage will probably be 

> Can laptops (and digital photocameras) survive the xrays used? Or should
> I remove the tech gear and offer it for in spection to the guards? (Or
> wrap it in alu foil? :p)

Offering it for inspection probably isn't an option any more.  A good laptop 
will survive the x-rays.

http://www.coker.com.au/selinux/   My NSA Security Enhanced Linux packages
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