Hello Andriy, 

Am 14:08 2003-01-17 +0200 hat Andriy T.Yanko geschrieben:
>I got Toshiba T1850/120 notebook ( 1991,  very old )
>Technical info:  Intel 386SX -25/120Mb HDD/8Mb RAM/LCD 640x480/

Oh, I have one with 386EX plus CoP, 40 MHz 80 MB, 8 MB

>Do anyone know  optional distro or how to make own small optimal
distro for 386SX?

Debian GNU/Linux 1.3 'bo' 

>ps. Installation over  NFS via  PLIP  on this machine is possible.

NFS I do not know but

ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian-archive bo main 

>any suggestion welcomed.

Have fun 

P.S.:   My Website about 'debian-archive' is not up and running... 
        Maybe if I have my Cyber-Center and my E1 in Strasbourg. 

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