de|ire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> so if a 5400 rpm is the fastest laptop drive available, what is the
> rpm of the standard drive?

(I don't actually have an answer, but I strongly suspect that drives
with a higher rotation speed [and better performance] will suck up
noticably more battery life.  It seems like for PC hard drives, 5400
and 7200 RPM are the standard options.)

> has anyone played arond with kernel support for fast DMA on their
> lappie? keen to know if i can get any better on my dell i8k.

I've played with it some on mine (a Dell Latitude C600, not an
Inspiron).  I didn't notice any particular performance improvement
from playing with the options; I also didn't notice the settings
hdparm reported changing as I tweaked things, though the performance
did.  I also might have broken things, though I suspect the problem
was more a hardware issue with the case not quite being structural
enough.  IMHO, playing around wasn't worth the effort at all.

David Maze         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
        -- Abra Mitchell

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