I have a gr7/k (similar to gr214*, gr114* and others)

> Hi,
>   My machine has a 16.1 inch screen with a physical resolution of
> 1600x1200. The ads say it has a ATI MOBILITY RADEON 7500. Is there any
> other machine like that?

try an lspci -vv and see the exact model of the VGA adapter.
I have a Mobility M6 LY advertised as a radeon mobility. I have to use X4.2 to 
use the ati driver (previous versions don't support this model).
the vesa driver should work fine with X4.1 (no accelleration)

>   Did anybody have this laptop and installed woody on it? How to
> activate sound and acpi? How to activate an external mouse, the cd
> writer, dvd player and usb?

ACPI: you have to compile your own patched kernel (www.kernel.org and 
www.sourceforge.net/projects/acpi) to get a more complete acpi implementation.
If some devices can't get an irq (and that's why you can't get sound, usb, 
etc.) you should really try the latest acpi patch.

sound: lspci -vv should tell which driver you need to compile
cdwriter: take a look at some how to at www.tldp.org (you have to compile 
ide-scsi emulation etc.)
dvdplayer: try xine or mplayer
external mouse: usb mouse? ps2 mouse? I think there are lots of howto's


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