* myster sen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2002-07-18 17:42 -0400:
> hello gale...
> 2002-07-18/11h, when Gale Stafford wrote:
> > I want debian to start pump when it boots up, so that I dont have to 
> > manually type "pump -i eth0" every time I boot my computer. I read this 
> > morning that I need to add a script to /etc/init.d for pump. Also I 
> > understand that I would need to create a link from that script to a file in 
> > my /etc/rc3.d/ directory, since I boot into run level 3.
> the simplest version would be to create a file /etc/init.d/pump which 
> contains the following
> #! /bin/sh
> /sbin/pump --interface=eth0
> then you should cd to /etc/rc3.d and create a link via:
> ln -s ../init.d/pump S99pump

Even simpler: put 

/sbin/pump --interface=eth0

in /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh


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