On Mit, 2002-03-20 at 11:34, Fabian Fagerholm wrote:
> I have a Dell Inspiron 8000 and a slight problem with irda. The i8k
> seems to have an SMC irda chip, and thus the smc-ircc module is the one
> to be used.
> However, for some reason I can't get the module to load correctly on the
> first attempt. By doing two successive modprobes, the module is loaded.

I just upgraded my I8100's BIOS to A10. Looks like IRDA works better
now. At least I have no trouble loading the smc-ircc module anymore:-)
Maybe that's a fix from kernel 2.4.18 which I installed at the same
occasion, not sure. Anyway, Running /etc/init.d/irda start I see
activity in irdadump. Since I don't have any IRDA devices I can't go
further from here... I was just curious wether it works or not after
reading this thread.

Here is my configuration:
In /etc/modutils/irda I have the following line:
alias irda0 smc-ircc
(don't forget to update-modutils;-)

This is my /etc/irda.conf:
#irda.conf Version: 1.0
#DONGLE= # specify dongle type
ENABLE=yes # if you don't need to start irattach, set "no"

I have FIR enabled in my BIOS, not sure about the other settings.


Tobias Hunger                  The box said: 'Windows 95 or better'
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  So I installed Linux.

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