On Fri, Feb 01, 2002 at 02:30:44PM +0200, Pasi Savolainen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> On Fri, 1 Feb 2002, Tim van Erven wrote:
>>>>> Mozilla/Netscape 6.2 on new machines is neither slow nor buggy.
>>>>> Just try it in my Pentium 100, 32MB RAM.
>>>> I do not like using proprietary software. But the truth is that we have no
>>>> open-source equivalent of Opera.
>>> Then, if you have time and mind to do it, why don't you start a project on
>>> Savannah?
>> A very promising project like that called 'Cheetah'[1] has already been
>> started, but unfortunately it seems to have died.
>> 1. http://cheetah.sourceforge.net
 I hope 'Dillo'[2] project goes well, they already have a working htmlk
 engine, it even renders /. , what else would you want ;)
 [2] http://dillo.sf.net 

(CC:d to debian-laptop as it may be interesting for us too..)

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