On Tue, 2001-11-20 at 23:01, Dave Swegen wrote:
> Unfortunatly this is not the case (at least as far as the A21m is
> concerned). It would seem that some of them ship with a 3com card, which
> doesn't work, from what I've gathered. So to be on the safe side
> doublecheck before buying one.

Yes, I got the 3com card with my A21p, and I don't believe it will
_ever_ be supported by Linux (apart from the ethernet, which is fine).

I had to shell out quite a few more $$$ to get a different card with
eepro100 ethernet + lucent winmodem, which is working well.

Andrew @ Catalyst .Net.NZ Ltd, PO Box 11-053, Manners St, Wellington
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