Quoting Glen S Mehn on Mon, Nov 19, 2001 at 01:36:41PM -0800:
> the one used in the T-20/T-21/T-22 is an intel EEpro100b chipset, which
> works flawlessly with linux. FWIW. Ifyou can get your hands on a 'doze box
> (check at a local retailer?) have a look in the network control panel and
> see what it's listed as.
> -g
The A30p has the same chipset and it will work.  The problem will be
with the video display adaptor.  The ATI Radeon M6 LY card is only
supported so far by RedHat 7.2 or by downloading and installing the CVS
version of X.  ATI submitted driver updates to Xfree86.org around end of
July 2001.  These have not been publicly released and the latest version
of public X was done in early June.

I have done a bit of work with linux on these laptops.

Michael Perry | "Do or do not; there is no try" Master Yoda
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.lnxpowered.org 

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